A great way to get involved with the West Virginia / OhioValley Chapter of PMI is to attend the monthly program meetings. Held the third Tuesday of each month except July, August and December, these meetings feature a brief business meeting followed by a program presentation on a topic of interest to professionals in Project Management.
Dinner meetings in the month of September serve to "kick off" the year's presentations with topics of wider interest. These meetings are held in restaurant or banquet facilities, and members are encouraged to invite prospective new members to these annual membership campaign events. The Charleston area September event is scheduled separately from the Fairmont event, and presentation topics are programmed independently as well.
Professional Development Units (PDU's) are provided to certified PMP'sneeding to document their compliance with the certification's continuing education requirement (60 PDU's every 3 years) for re-certification purposes. One PDU is awarded per meeting. Speakers at the meetings are also awarded 1 PDU.
Attending these meetings provides a great way to interact with your peers, to learn more about the way Project Management best practices are being employed to benefit the organizations represented. Attendees come from a wide range of industries, and often cross-pollinate with useful techiques or resource information.
Past meeting topics have included:
- "Human Resources Management"
- "The 5 P's in Quality: Planning, Process, People, Performance and Perseverence"
- "Why Projects Fail"
- "From Planned to Agile"
- "Risk Assessment: Best Practices"
- "What Project Managers Should Know about Software Reuse"
- "Project Management as a Management Tool"
- "Earned Value Meets Microsoft Project"
Check the Event Calendar for information about upcoming meetings.